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About Karen Falkenberg and Ryan Macqueen | TigersEye Life Coaches

We’re coaches living real lives, too!

We’ve spent years coaching and motivating others. We are experts in mindset shifts and habit development. We know and teach that movement is medicine, and we’ll help you incorporate it into daily life.

We understand nutrition and can demystify it for you. We know what works because we use these same principles ourselves. You’ll find your community here.

About Karen Falkenberg and Ryan Macqueen | TigersEye Life Coaches

We’re coaches living
real lives, too!

We’ve spent years coaching and motivating others. We are experts in mindset shifts and habit development. We know and teach that movement is medicine, and we’ll help you incorporate it into daily life.

We understand nutrition and can demystify it for you. We know what works because we use these same principles ourselves. You’ll find your community here.

You’ve come to the right place if you’re tired of all the hype, the Nonsense, the instagram booty pictures, and the confusion about how to reclaim your health, and ultimately, the essence of what it means to be powerful.

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Meet Karen

Karen Falkenberg

But, at each twist and turn, I’ve found the challenge of rehabbing myself to be important and ultimately, enjoyable, because it helped me learn more about myself and what I’m capable of doing. And, I’m stronger than ever.

My work as a mindset/leadership coach has spanned several decades. I became a certified nutritionist because I see such a need for this support. As a coach, it’s a privilege to provide support to others and see them reach their goals. I know how much I’ve gained from having a coach and I always seek to provide that same level of care to clients. It’s a journey we embark on together. 
I honor the challenges that come with life. They aren’t a detraction from the main event of living. They are integral to living. Each of us has challenges; they are great opportunities to learn more about oneself. Some people hear about my life and wonder how I’m still around. I’ve had numerous incidents including: sepsis (to the point where I was given only a few hours to live), cancer, an unexplainable heart attack, a concussion serious enough to have to retrain myself to walk in a straight line, Covid twice, and a major arm injury that required surgery with power tools and titanium.

As a somewhat typical woman, I was socialized from a young age to believe that appearance and body shape were primarily due to luck, genetics, and serious calorie control.

At my current stage of life, I see how skewed our societal views are when it comes to nutrition, consumption choices, and body movement. Women in particular often try to maintain an unhealthy low calorie intake and seek long stretches of cardio (sometimes as a punishment for something they ate) in order to fit someone’s model of healthy. That’s neither healthy nor sustainable. 
Women often also worry that strength training will make them too muscular. That’s just not possible. And, ultimately, our bodies were made to function with strong muscle tissue and healthy joints.
In my late 20’s, I became a marathon runner and that changed my life. It had some major upsides. I earned mental stamina, learned how to train, and understood how I held up through physical endurance efforts. But, the dark side of my running was that I also used it to keep my weight at what I thought was an acceptable range (frighteningly low). When I stopped running long distances, I was terrified of the inevitable weight gain because I did not have the knowledge or tools to optimize my health. My scale crept up, I was unhealthy, and I didn’t know how to lose weight correctly or maintain a healthy and stable body composition. It took years to get it right.
Now, I run much shorter distances and do it solely for the mental benefits and the enjoyment I get from moving my body through space. I’m several decades older than I was then but I weigh about 20 pounds more than I did when I was a distance runner but I’m much leaner and stronger than I used to be. It’s awesome how well my body functions. I challenge myself in the gym lifting heavy weight and I work out on my spin bike in addition to loads of daily movement. I love the mind-body connection I feel so strongly in my lifting, spinning, and running. The mental benefits cannot be overstated. I no longer aim for long stretches of cardio to maintain some number on a scale. And, the scale is no longer an arbiter of my own self worth for the day.
It really took years of searching to find out the best way to optimize my nutrition, strength and endurance and fine tune my mental game so that my mind-body connection is in sync and serving me well.

I like helping my clients figure out how to eat and move. I want to accelerate their progress so that it takes them less time to find their best balance than it took me to get to this point.

Let’s talk about how we can help you reach your goals.

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Meet Ryan

My fitness journey saved my life. It also opened up a new world to me. I’m the same human I’ve always been but I’m now able to enjoy a life that I didn’t know existed. I’ve met people that I didn’t know existed.
My fitness journey is about falling in love with the process and I will keep this going. I have a general direction I want to go and the further ahead I get, the more I can see the future. I am always striving to see the next horizon. That’s one of the things that keeps me going and growing. I know that every person is a complicated web and each is on their own journey. That’s why I’m in love with the process. 
I’m after the effects this process is having on my brain. Because ultimately, I am my brain. I focus on a brain based diet which makes my body more resilient and robust. If I focus on my mind, then progress happens within my body.
I develop the mind by pushing the body to uncomfortable spaces and places. I believe that only being comfortable is a bad thing. It’s the fast lane to deterioration. I also understand that in order for us to look as we do on the outside, we need to be beautiful on the inside, too. How we look on the inside, spiritually, is also important.
I grew up playing sports as a young child and as a young adult. I played team sports and individual sports. I learned how to rely on others and on myself. Through sports I became fascinated by sports psychology and what it took to be great. To be a great player. To be coachable. To be a team member. 
I trained under an Olympic boxer. I thought I’d love to have a career where I helped people get stronger, happier and healthier as my coach did for me. I got in great shape and people noticed. They asked what I was doing. Little did I know that I already had deep knowledge in psychology through my experience and my study and then realized I also had the ability to be a coach. People told me I should be a coach. And word of mouth traveled and then I built a solid client base.
Ryan Macqueen

I believe that only being comfortable is a bad thing. It’s the fast lane to deterioration. I also understand that in order for us to look as we do on the outside, we need to be beautiful on the inside, too. How we look on the inside, spiritually, is also important.

Ryan Macqueen Training Client

I’ve been training people from all walks of life: moms, dads, professionals; I have a big bag of strategies that I can use to individualize my coaching for my clients’ needs.

Let’s talk about how we can help you reach your goals.

What Our Clients Are Saying

I had never lifted weights before and struggled at first. With Ryan’s guidance and total knowledge of form and what he knew I could handle, I was spot on. It didn’t take long to regain the strength and begin to build muscle that I had missed for along time.
Deanna Aragon
Deanna Aragon
Fort Collins, CO
I am stronger, fitter, and, amazingly, more energetic than I have been for decades. My hip pain from arthritis is much improved. I also am developing a mental toughness that steels me for other inevitable challenges in life. When we started, I could barely do one squat; now I do dozens a session with 20 pounds of weight at my chest.
Nancy Love
Nancy Love
Metro Boston
Karen’s compassion, upbeat attitude, and deep knowledge in terms of mind-body connections, nutrition, mindset shifts, and concrete strategies that lead to successful exercise and nutrition changes have been a real game changer for me. Our work together has helped me to successfully make adjustments that I knew were necessary but didn’t know how to accomplish on my own.
Jacki Reich